"The thing I don't like is that some feminists put down men, and that's not equality"
It's a pretty common phrase and at face value seems to be perfectly reasonable. However the social causes and effects that lead to this statement are quite problematic and I would like to take them down.
Firstly let’s consider why it's such a common phrase. So many people feel it necessary to differentiate between "equality" and "feminism" because feminism is tainted with the image of discrimination against men, and angry women screeching. But this is not even close to an accurate representation of feminists and feminism. Today, feminism looks like breaking taboo topics, anti workplace discrimination laws, freedom to wear clothes of our choice, better education for women, affirmative action in previously male dominated careers, women's sexual emancipation through the pill and female directed porn etc. etc. What it definitely does not look like is actual discrimination against men, or a "matriarchist" agenda. If there are any women with these aims, and naturally there is a small handful in this extremely diverse world, they rarely identify with feminism because most feminism and feminists do not support their views.
So then we must ask ourselves, why does such an insignificant group of people incorrectly represent a global movement? The short answer is because that's how popular media both historically and currently portrays feminism. Even in its most generic form, the media is dominated worldwide by men in terms of content creators, representatives and consumers. And men are much more inclined to present feminism in a negative light because at its core, gender equality threatens men's privilege, which is an understandably difficult thing to accept. Although this may sound villainising to those men, the truth is most men are not intentionally sexist. Very few people who actively contribute to sexism or any other form of oppression are inherently evil. Rather, they are a product of a toxic society that mis-educates its people into a system of privilege and oppression, ignorance and misrepresentation.
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Small example of male dominated media in the UK |
Firstly it spreads this incorrect portrayal of feminism, further perpetuating the negative stereotype of feminists. This means that instead of advocating for women's rights and better education, women waste a lot of valuable time and energy defending the basic principles of the movement.
And secondly it’s extremely disempowering as a feminist to hear that statement. Having someone say to your face that the movement you represent is "sexist" or discriminatory is extremely disheartening. It invalidates your work not only in the eyes of people who have never been educated otherwise, but potentially in your own mind too. It's not necessary to use an incorrect stereotype as an excuse not to give full support to a movement which empowers so many women, and aims to completely defeat all forms of oppression.
It is worth noting that one of the potential reasons men see feminism as "discriminatory" is because it threatens their privilege. It’s sometimes difficult to differentiate between having your privilege (which was unfairly and arbitrarily assigned at birth, and disadvantages other people) reduced, and having your rights taken away. But I can promise that women's empowerment and emancipation does not take away the rights of anyone, but it definitely does tackle unfair privileges, especially of men. Yes, it's uncomfortable. No, it's not a bad thing. Yes, it’s difficult to swallow, and yes, you need to put in the effort to come to terms with it.
A conversation about feminism should not include a regurgitated account of "some feminists", because it’s blatantly untrue and ends up leading what could be a healthy, empowering discussion down a tired and roundabout path.
Comment below :)
Comment below :)
OK. I'd like to address this 'blow by blow' like I have always.
ReplyDelete'freedom to wear clothes of our choice' fine by me and I'm sure no one is forcing women to wear dresses or skirts or even comfortable clothes fit for ergonomics of females. However, in a professional workplace, professional clothes should be worn, like school uniform that we can't just abolish and say fuck that muh freedom.
'better education for women' you are implying that women have an inferior education despite the exact same education system? Or perhaps give better education to women and inferior, to men.
'affirmative action' well say I have no qualification expect internet googling for engineering, should I be let in to the workplace? No, I must learn it like every other person who just happen to be men. Other than that there is evidence that men prefer STEM while women prefer humanities, there is no affirmative action for men into women dominated careers nor are there for women as into building or being a tradey.
'female directed porn' you know that all porn actresses agree and WANT to do the things they are subject to right?
It is literally discrimination against men to support women more than men and no rationalization will make it more right than the very 'patriarchy' you argue exists.
You technically are what you speak of. ( sorry for the ad hominem bare it no mind in supporting my case)
'thently portrays feminism. Even in its most generic form, the media is dominated worldwide by me media is dominated worldwide by men in terms of content creators' I'll analyse you evidence; first of all, 'Front page', this misrepresents the entirety of the newspaper.
Even so your argument that it is a male dominated media doesn't account for anything about feminism or slander against the good name of feminism. So, further citation needed.
DeleteDon't go blaming others if you aren't able to get about. I don't go blaming my chair if I happen to fall off it.
'It's not necessary to use an incorrect stereotype as an excuse not to give full support to a movement which empowers so many women, and aims to completely defeat all forms of oppression. '
No it is, because you've just made it so that it disregards any extreme radical thought within feminism because well, its 'morally good' and some even want to flip the 'pyramid of oppression'. And Hitler too was good to his ARYAN MASTER RACE and well, that wasn't that good to some other people.
People will see feminism better if it accounts for its negative side, like someone who admits their flaws and are humble. I don't like people who disregard that they even have a bad side.
Small example of male dominated media in the UK
Ok, so the male dominated media grossly misrepresents feminists, and there are actually statistically insignificant amounts of "misandrists" or "matriarchists", but why is saying the aforementioned statement so bad?
Firstly it spreads this incorrect portrayal of feminism, further perpetuating the negative stereotype of feminists. This means that instead of advocating for women's rights and better education, women waste a lot of valuable time and energy defending the basic principles of the movement.
And secondly it’s extremely disempowering as a feminist to hear that statement. Having someone say to your face that the movement you represent is "sexist" or discriminatory is extremely disheartening. It invalidates your work not only in the eyes of people who have never been educated otherwise, but potentially in your own mind too. It's not necessary to use an incorrect stereotype as an excuse not to give full support to a movement which empowers so many women, and aims to completely defeat all forms of oppression.
Feminism is discriminatory if it acts for one side and not the other, fundamentally that is discrimination. If I was to say to a 'white man' to give me all their money because they were born in this country and have heritage and thus richer than me are they expected to do so? No. Of course they would be mad. That is EQUITY no equality. Equality of outcome =! equality of rights. That is what you are pushing. By thinking women are less equal you are not an egalitarian, someone who pushes for equality.
You say people shouldn't generalize a feminist account but you are generalizing criticisms of feminism. This is hypocrisy is why I have been disenchanted by feminism.
Yours Sincerely