Tuesday 28 July 2015

Masculinity is Fragile

Do men suffer under the patriarchy? Is society suppressive to men’s everyday lives too? Can men stand to benefit from feminism?

Yes, yes, and yes again. Society holds men to toxic and unreachable standards, which simultaneously oppress women and viciously attack your everyday guy. The idea that men are inherently “masculine” is one of the most avidly protected social views, despite its incredible flaws and negative outcomes. Breaking it down:

What is masculinity?
Masculinity is the socially constructed gender role that all people assigned as male are expected to fit into. To clear some things up: being born with a penis does not mean you are male or masculine. Gender identity exists independent of biology, as it is an emotional and mental identity. Similarly, the way you express your identity in terms of “masculinity” or “femininity” is not determined by your genitals or chromosomes, it is determined by how you feel comfortable in your actions, ideas, and interests. So we see that masculinity is just a set of traits and mannerisms arbitrarily labelled as pertaining to men. Preferring blue over pink, or rugby over ballet is not something inherently scientific. Paying for the first date or being disinclined to show emotion is not something that is specifically for men. It is a criteria set up by society in order to keep people in boxes. Yeah, sounds kinda drastic. It is.

How is it established?
If you are mainly given Lego, toy cars and action figures as a child, and you see that the same goes for other boys, you will learn that these kinds of things are only for boys, hence inherently masculine. It is pushed even further when little boys are discouraged from playing with Barbie dolls or pink plush toys. Again, there is nothing biological that makes girls like “girl” toys and boy like “boy” toys other than that is the only thing we perceive to be normal. Even if the borders are allowed to relax slightly, like a parent giving a boy a Bratz doll, the overwhelming influences from advertising, preschool playground norms and kids TV shows overcome this. Toys are a good example, but this kind of social conditioning continues into almost every aspect of society. All-girls schools are more likely to offer food tech and textiles while all-boys schools are more likely to offer engineering and woodwork, creating an idea that the latter subjects (…and subsequent career paths) are more appropriate for men; that they are inherently masculine.

Why is it harmful to men?
I’ve already touched on how women suffer the brunt end of these gender roles in previous articles, and will continue to do so, but men cop it too. Men are told from a young age not to show emotion, because it is “not manly enough”. Boys are told that they are “squealing like a girl”, “crying like a girl”, and “acting like a girl” when they express natural human emotions. Meanwhile, society is sympathetic towards women showing the same emotions. This occurs because emotionalness has been conditioned as incompatible with masculinity; it is too feminine, too weak, too “pussy” to be associated with men and manly standards of strength. So we see a society where men feel shamed and attacked to show emotion, which ends up in a really unhealthy lifestyle of emotional suppression. It also means that when men do break from their standards, and express an affinity for something “feminine”, they are punished by society. They are labelled as gay, she-male, pussy, and a plethora of other insults. It is worth noting that the reason these words are insults is because they are associated with femininity, which is threatening and insulting to the patriarchal standards of masculinity.

So then what do you mean by “masculinity is fragile”?
“Masculinity is fragile” is actually a common phrase often found on social media under a hashtag of the same name. It is a phrase that points out the flaws in our social standards of how men should act, because so much of our lives revolve around men preventing their masculinity from being attacked. Even though adhering to expectations of masculinity limits and inhibits many men’s lives, society continues to strongly protect the standard. This can be seen in advertising, as products traditionally seen as feminine attempt to appeal to men by being hyper-masculine. For example, whilst the Nivea women’s moisturisers are advertised as luxury feminine items, the male moisturisers are in silver and grey boxes, labelled clearly FOR MEN and include taglines like “shower, shave, moisturise, go”. The difference in advertising for what is literally the same product shows how fragile masculinity is, because men would feel embarrassed and effeminate to be seen buying and using a luxury cream packaged in a pale blue tube with flowers. There is nothing biological about men liking silver and grey packaging, and women liking flowers. It’s socially constructed.

Similarly, the need for “bro-mances” “bro-ga” (yoga for men) “man-purses” are examples of masculinity’s fragility, as male society feels awkward being associated with anything feminine, yet wishing to enjoy the products/activities. The need to masculine-ise anything remotely feminine reveals just how often men feel the need to “man up” in order to fit into society, regardless of their personal preferences. Feminism aims to take down the existence of these gender roles in the first place, hence liberating men to express whatever they feel most comfortable in, without society's constant death stare at anything remotely feminine.

Basically, masculinity is the bane of our lives. So don’t worry about “manning up”, just be strong and vulnerable in a way that suits you. You don’t need to say “no homo” every time you hug your friend, because hugging is a normal expression of friendship, and anyway, being gay should not be a taboo. You don’t need to “grow a pair” when you cry, because crying is inherently human, and testicles are not inherently masculine.

Also: https://twitter.com/hashtag/masculinityisfragile <-- its hilarious.



  1. Hey Hannah, this is a terrific article on a terrific blog that takes a lot of courage to run :) keep up the good work.
    I just wanted to ask you something about masculinity seeing as you've done all this research:
    Lots of men, including myself, feel really good doing traditionally masculine things. A lot of the mental toughness that we've all needed this year has come from a shared sense of stoicism—in a boys-only school the feeling that we as men must be strong in times of adversity, that we must be self-sufficient when we want help most, and that we must stand together as men against this massive hurdle that is the HSC, is a really strong one, and in many cases a really positive one. At a time when so much is telling us who to be and that we're not good enough, being a part of a community with shared traditions and values is a solid anchor for who we are. Though I can't speak from personal experience it feels likely that many women similarly take a lot of pride and strength from their own perceived femininity—it empowers them. I don't feel convinced yet that ideals of masculinity and femininity really are as damaging to society as you make them out to be, but I'd be really interested to hear what you think about the empowering effect of gender.
    Again, serious props for having the guts to write this blog, and doing it so well :)

  2. Hey Jason, thanks for the support!
    Yes you're quite right in saying a lot of people have "owned" their gender roles and used it to empower them. However just because some people source empowerment from something, doesnt mean its negatives cease to exist.
    Even though many men will feel good about themselves by being strong and macho, that doesnt negate that a man who doesnt feel comfortable in that stereotype and doesnt conform to societies expectations is ostracised.
    The problem with masculinity specifically is that it is the social norm. this means anyone who doesnt fit in (gay, queer, trans, gender-non-binary, any random guy who dislikes being macho and dominant) is victimised and shamed. it also means that femininity, as the supposed "opposite" of masculinity, is therefore the "other". femininity and anyone who adopts it (women, men who do not fit the criteria of masculine, genderqueer people etc) is not respected as much. evidence of this is seen in slut shaming, rape culture, gender wage gap etc etc.
    so in short: empowerment is great, but what we need is empowerment from people adopting masculine or feminine traits /without/ the enforcement of these gender roles on certain people, and the ostracism that comes to those who dont conform.

    1. How do you define social norm, if in saying the majority, then it is not really. Men and women make up almost a 50/50 split and 50% is not majority.
      Other than that there is a reason 'sluts' are shamed, cheating and sleeping around is often bad for a relationship in which is the quintessential form of interpersonal relationships which makes humanity survive and raise good children who aren't going to become psychopaths. Rape culture again does not exist, however my words don't matter to your agenda do they? Gender wage discrimination is illegal ( see equal pay act 1963) and no that does not make society illegal, it means there is a reason that women are in high paying and hard working jobs and hard working and minimal paying jobs.
      Empowerment is great but ofc not that important to your agenda of smashing this detrimental patriarchy which seems to by law oppress people and give men more rights and enforce legally, gender roles!
      Sorry for the sarcasm but I'm getting quite fed up that you don't seem to carry by hand Plato's view of rhetoric of truth over persuasion. That as long as you can rationalize and others can it is true! Just like the male dominated media that you hate so much! Right?

    2. Hi Cowfee, I know you dislike me sending resources rather than constructing my own reply, but I feel like these articles and videos contain everything I would say anyway, plus more :)
      -slut shaming: http://everydayfeminism.com/?s=slut+shaming read any or all articles :)
      -gender wage gap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNLKI3hKcaY

      also just a quick note with the "50/50" maths, numerical value doesnt necessarily equal power value. Men have much more than 50% of the power in the world, making masculinity the more predominant and socially accepted norm.
      and even if this werent true, you dont need a majority to create a "norm". for example, in apartheid south africa, white people were a huge numerical minority. however "whiteness" was considered the most desirable trait, and was the social "norm" in order to be respected and accepted.

    3. I still really don't understand what is bad about slut shaming, I'm guessing because it is specifically for women? However, my point still stands, sleeping around is not good in a relationship and shouldn't be normal. It is bad for the kids and the relationship and just think of a society based on utilitarianism and hedonism what a degenerate dystopic world that would be.
      OK. The wage gap specifically uses stats that are aggregations. She says that degree to salary or what not. The issue is that I can do a degree and work in a completely different profession. Education doesn't guarantee a better job. Again those numbers are in aggregation and groups different testing methods to reach the conclusion, that in where one study may refer to an aggregate in a profession another may use working hours and so on, to prove, that despite a legal act which prevents discrimination based on pay, there is a definite difference in pay grade. This assumes that for every CEO that is male there is another CEO that is female in the same company which simply cannot be, and we know that there are more male CEO's. Therefore there is a definite disparity caused by men working more hours and being in higher positions and what not. This compared to many women who choose to leave work for child rearing which a company simply cannot place them in high stress areas which require more time and pay more. She may say that women prefer humanities and what not due to being taught that, but it does have physiological, biological evidence. You'd have a harder time teaching a dog to walk on two legs then teaching it to walk on four, in fact you wouldn't have to teach it to walk on four at all. If you can provide statistical evidence which includes all variables and still works out that it is sexism and discrimination based on gender then I will concede that law must go and anarchy must reign as governments are all in cahoots.
      The whole 50/50 thing was just meant to refer to being in a democracy, sorry for any misinterpretations. That was merely to coax a response that wasn't circular reasoning.
      You are using very very biased reporting sites and that may cloud your reasoning, that is the reason I say make you own ideas rather than others. Anything can be argued and agreed upon, like believing hitler did nothing wrong or that the holocaust didn't happen or Bush did 9/11.

    4. Im going to make a "slut shaming 101" page in the near future, so keep a look out for that, it will answer a lot of your questions :)

  3. I disagree that men aren't inclined to act masculine due to biology. Being strong literally is literally tied to whether you have a penis or not. In saying masculinity is arbitrary you are disagreeing with science and biology that different genders produce different hormones and what not which decide on how people act. You are saying that through out our entire course of existence as humans, gender has not made people display mannerisms that you say are social constructs.
    This article states that we have differently 'wired' brains and are much more suited for certain tasks which just happen to correlate with our gender roles. Unless science is false then gender roles and masculinity are not actually arbitrary social constructs forced upon people but rather ones we are inherently inclined towards.
    Is a 'emotional and mental identity' not tied to the brain? Unless otherwise it is biologically inherent.
    Things such as men paying for the first date are not perpetuated by 'society' but rather women. There are many surveys which show women to expect men to pay for the first date as well as that they should be rejected when offering to pay.
    So why is it that the patriarchy, the supposed society we live in according to you, oppresses men in this way? Simple, the patriarchy does not exist, society 'oppresses' everyone, which is the point (kind of), but you just need to pin it all on men right?
    You keep saying that preferences aren't tied to gender, where is your proof? Rationalization is not proof.

    1. Table 3
      Activities Rated Most Interesting
      Female preferences at middle school and high school levels n*
      1. Use a software-editing program to edit a music video 224
      2. Using a computer software program, design a CD cover. 210
      3. Design a model of an amusement park. 195
      4. Design a school mascot image to print on t-shirts. 192
      5. Design a “theme” restaurant in an existing building. 190
      Male preferences at middle school and high school levels
      1. Build a rocket. 293
      2. Construct an electric vehicle that moves on a magnetic track. 284
      3. Perform simple car maintenance tasks on a car engine. 279
      4. Program a robotic arm. 271
      5. Design a model airplane that will glide the greatest distance. 268 *
      n = the numb
      Females are shown here to tend towards designing visually while the males chose hands on and engineering based preferences.
      You may say that this is because of conditioning when small but when someone wants to do something and you say no aren't you preventing them from doing what they want and hence oppressing them? If females and males tend towards these preferences, then who are you to try to argue they shouldn't?
      Have you ever thought that the reason there is a negative connotation towards 'femininity' is because it gets nothing done? When your family is on the verge of starvation and you just cry rather than work, maybe that's why? It just happens that women do cry more in accordance to a majority of the worlds experience. It isn't that inability to do something is shamed because it is feminine, it is that it happens to correlate with being feminine. Not in the way you dress but the way you get things done.
      I'd like you to explore this thought, if men weren't manly would mankind still exist? I'd say not. Unless we were a species without sexual dimorphism, maybe.
      There's a reason that many successful people went through hard times, that they brag even though it was hard and they felt like giving up, and maybe crying, they didn't and pushed on to be able to tell their success story today!
      I disagree with the packaging as well. Men simply have different mindsets, most hardly care about beauty and something like moisturizer is not a big deal so they literally would 'shower, shave, moisturize and go'. There is nothing wrong with advertising to the respective market. While women do seem to have an affinity towards their make up and stress how they look.
      Your last point: I'm fairly sure 'bromance' and 'man purse' are jokes.
      Also you haven't replied to some of my previous comments, are they being ignored?

    2. Well maybe it's just me but there's a difference between only being able to push through so many mildly offensive arguments each day and 'ignoring' them. I'll just try and take some of that burden off Hannah and quickly go through what you've said in this thread. Tell me if I miss anything xx

      You Said: There is something inherently different between men and women
      You gave some stats about what people prefer to do in school. Importantly, they were already in middle or high school when this test was carried out. That’s been over a decade they’ve been living a society that asks them if they want a ‘girl or a boy toy’ at maccas instead of ‘a dragon or a doll’, in a household where the walls of their room and all their toys were bought after their parents knew their sex so they could push their own conceptions of gender onto them or at junior school when there’s a boys soccer and rugby team and a girls netball team. Obviously these examples aren’t true in all cases for every child but they (and thousands of others) are true enough to have an impact on that person and how they perceive themselves by the time they took this survey. While it might be true that forcing them not to partake in certain activities would be a form of oppression (some may disagree on this) but this isn’t really what should be encouraged, rather you should give all different options to kids and stress that they should do things that perhaps seem more 'boyish' or ‘girly’. Because everyone is impacted by the society they grow up in and gender roles are no different, so maybe there is a slight difference in nature the roles associated come from nurturing.

      You weirdly said: Femininity is shunned because it’s bad/ mankind is praised because it’s necessary
      Well maybe crying when your family is needs you is bad, but that’s an awfully specific stereotype, often crying and letting out emotions can be a really important step in overcoming extreme emotions that people face in life and is a great release. I feel like there are very few ‘feminine’ things that are deservedly given a negative connotation because they’re useless or counterproductive.
      Also, is being successful really a masculine stereotype??? If it is that just points to some pretty obvious sexism.

      You said: Packaging/ products isn't necessarily harmful when people just have different preferences.
      Well, it’s a little bit wrong when women are told that they need to go to the nth degree by advertising to be a ‘proper woman’, because it alienates those who don’t want to put the effort in but still want to feel feminine.

    3. Different anon here!! I just wanted to add to the counter-argument of cowshit's packaging argument. I feel like the best way to tackle this is to simplify it, literally, down to a child's level.


      1. COLOURS
      All you have to do is pick up the latest Toys R Us catalogue to see the clearly defined pink and blue sections, one for girls and one for boys. Toy catalogues have turned colours into identification for gender.

      Hello? I call bullshit. Nothing about pink screams women. Same with blue. What's so tough about it? Blue can symbolise sadness, represent the ocean, the sky, bluebells or it's the colour of some people's eyes. Colours are, and should always be, 100% gender neutral. But right now, businesses are just using pink and blue as a cute way to package their gender roles for mass consumption.

      The effect of having clearly defined blue and pink is further reinforced by the choice of child models. Flip through a catalogue and you'll see all the young girls are playing with Baby Alive dolls and toy ovens while the young boys are playing with big, strong Avengers figures and trucks. So, if previously the children didn't already understand what was meant by the different blue and pink sections, they do now! Obviously, the pink section is for girls (because it has only girls playing in it) and same for the blue section (filled with only boys)!!

      Chances are, children will stick to the toys that children of the same gender as them are playing with, and if they don't? More often than not their parents will make sure they do.

      3. TOY AISLES
      Not only are businesses using colours as a way to reinforce gender roles, but they are actually physically enforcing them too. Walk through a toy store and I guarantee you that there will be separate aisles for the boys' and girls' toys. This just completely emphasises the separation between pink and blue, gentle and tough toys, boys and girls.

      4. MISC.
      Another issue I have is again, unsurprisingly, to do with the clear definitions. They leave no room for individuality and don't allow for children to experiment. What if a child wants to play with both a truck AND a doll? Well, according to toy ads, toy aisles and catalogues, they can't. The pages of the catalogues or the toys in the aisles don't mix. There's two very different sections for the tough toys and the gentler toys. This can be super harmful to anyone who is transgender or non-binary, but it’s also just super harmful in general.

    The physically separate toy aisles, coupled with the bright, opposing colours (pink and blue) and the repetition of the idea, through child models, that children can only play with one type of toy literally forces both men and women into boxes. It tells women from a very early age that they should be buying anything that's pink i.e. baby dolls (in preparation for childbirth), toy ovens (so they can get used to cooking for men), barbies (women only care about fashion) and disney princess (to plant the seed of the prince charming narrative). The same goes for men because when they buy only blue toys they end up with: trucks (men are do all the hard and dirty work), G.I. Joe (men are tough, strong and women fawn all over them), nerf guns (men don't negotiate, they fight it out) and mechanno (men are good at engineering).

    Look, I really don't want to have to spell it out for you but it's pretty damn obvious why packaging can be extremely harmful (especially to children). Just to preempt you though: there is NOTHING natural about any of those stereotypes.

    Women CAN be good at engineering. Women CAN be tough and strong. Women DON'T need a man to complete them (a la Prince Charming). Women DON'T need to have children. Women ARE NOT just objects to be used for a man's pleasure, whether that be sexually or through being locked in the kitchen.

    And just to appease you and your 'not all men'...

    Men DON'T have to be tough and strong. Men DON'T have to 'bring home the bacon'. Men DON'T have to be good at engineering or other STEM subjects. Men CAN be sensitive. Men CAN be gentle.


    1. Lol. Discussion is discussion, on a blog which flaunts its 'humanitarian' ways, free speech and discussion of ideas is pretty important at least I think.
      Please, refrain from insulting me because really, that just does not help your arguments.
      I agree that you are influenced by your surroundings, yes. I don't understand what your getting at however, what you say doesn't disprove that there are biological affinities towards different things, which was my point. It may however weaken my evidence despite giving arbitrary rationalizations. If you can provide conclusive evidence that's not pseudo science then that would be great.
      Ok your second point, perhaps I didn't word that correctly but what I meant was that it is possible the reason there is a negative connotation as opposed to this is fact as to why. You also seemed to have misinterpreted what I meant by success, that is not financially like Ghandi perhaps. I'm not quite sure what stereotypes you say have a negative connotation but crying and being emotional being stereotypically feminine is to me the only one that actually is stereotyped in reality. That it is used when someone doesn't want to do something and is called a 'whiny girl' etc. I am against that and the whole point of that section was merely to suggest that there may be reasoning and not arbitrary.
      Your last point, that also applies to men just not in mainly female specific products but for male specific products. Men and women both face objectification and appealing to be good looking. It is what drives evolution.
      'those who don’t want to put the effort in but still want to feel feminine.'
      Actions speak louder than words and if someone doesn't want to strive towards something, then they are entitled and don't deserve it to begin with.
      Thank you for your reply.

  5. Second anon.
    I agree with your first point, it is really just capitalism at its finest. The best part about it is that its a free and open market. You don't need to or are forced to buy gender specific toys for your child. That it the parents choice. Society at large doesn't make this happen, it is the free choice of the parent to choose what they think is best for their child.
    Your third point, they are not physically 'enforcing' only separating. They aren't forcing you to follow their labeling are they?
    4th. Umm I don't know about you but kids usually don't care about what a store tells them to do, evident by numerous kids who run around and play in stores when clearly they're expected not to. Kids will experiment regardless of whether you or a business tells them to. I'm fairly certain most kids don't even know what a gender really is or that it differs in trans or non binary ways. Like when kids in play find out the girl he was playing with doesn't have a pee pee. What a shock they receive! Only seconds ago he thought they were basically the same playing the same game of chase.
    I don't think the separation is as intense as you suggest but I may be wrong. However, you have very clearly stated very specific things I'd like to address. 'barbies' doesn't a Ken doll exist? I agree with the princess thing though, that only leads to entitled young ladies who think that everything must go their way and that men will always be at their aid. 'trucks' men do all the dirty work? I'm fairly sure that's pretty much always been the case. How many men were builders even before people had gender specific blue tonkers? My god the Romans must've had little bronze trucks. 'G.I. Joe' well men are pretty strong aren't they, that isn't a lie and I'm fairly sure that line wasn't anything about women fawning over them but teaching how to be moral and just. I don't see anything wrong with being moral and just, do you? 'Nerf guns' they have them for girls too you know? I've personally met many girls who, would you guess, actually played nerf with da bois and we always admitted when we got hit and negotiated the rules and terms. 'Mechanno' well I'm pretty sure most men are working in construction and engineering. One being pretty detrimental and the other not as much but both hard working but I simply don't see as many women there. Hmm. Those are 2 very important jobs for our infrastructure what would go wrong if we stopped ingraining all these men to build! Utter catastrophe! We NEED MORE LEGOS. MORE I SAY.
    Women can be good engineers, I actually agree believe it or not. Just that not many do want or choose to be engineers despite all the initiatives to increase their numbers. Women can be tough and strong. I agree. Women don't need a man to complete them? I disagree, men and women both need each other to make up the human race. Women don't need to have children? Wait so the man should? My god. Women are not objects for a man's pleasure? I disagree men are objects to women's pleasure and vice versa.

  6. Men don't have to be tough and strong? Well I'd rather have a team of 10 jacked male lifters than 10 jacked female lifters, it is fact that men are stronger than women and simply more efficient for men to be strong. Men don't have to bring home the bacon? By god who will then, the woman? NONSENSE. I kid, usually it's who ever makes more money and that couples simply prefer traditional roles in a family (I do have a study for this one but I can't seem to find it, reply if you'd like some evidence). Even in a traditional boys' school we aren't told to be good at STEM or engineering, there is only one engineering class, it is to my belief that men are generally better logical thinkers. The brain scans I linked somewhere should be some evidence.
    The conclusion really is; you are free to choose whatever you want for you and yourself and to buy into marketing is simply not anyone's fault but your own. Think about all the bronies, that was specifically for girls and somehow a bunch, very damn large, group of adult males seem to love it despite it being girly! This sort of thing by your books shouldn't happen as they must've played with toy trucks.
    You'd sound a lot better if you didn't insult someone before you've even started your response.


No hate or harmful comments